MLCV Lab of the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, focuses on machine learning-related research, especially for computer vision tasks that involve manipulating, analyzing, and interpreting data from images and videos. The methods used are diverse, from processing detailed information stored at the pixel level to geometrically dividing images into several regions to form highly correlated patterns for a specific task.
News Update
07/JAN/2025: Lowongan Magang Riset Lab Semester Genap 2024/2025
07/JAN/2025: Program Magang Riset Lab MLCV
News & Announcement
Berikut ini adalah list topik dan syarat untuk lowongan magang riset di Lab MLCV yang tersedia pada Semester Genap 2024/2025. Semua aplikasi agar dikirimkan paling lambat hari Kamis, tanggal 16 Januari 2025.
Lab Riset Machine Learning and Computer Vision (MLCV) Fasilkom UI memiliki program magang riset untuk mahasiswa. Program Magang riset lab ini adalah magang riset dengan durasi 1 tahun yang ideal diambil pada semester 7 dan 8 dengan rincian: Semester 7: Magang riset 14 SKS (all or nothing - SKS ditransfer jika memenuhi syarat konversi kredit di bawah) Semester 8: TA 6 SKS sebagai kelanjutan topik magang. Hal ini dapat disesuaikan jika mahasiswa ingin lulus 7 semester (magang sem 6, TA sem 7), lulus 9 semester, dan seterusnya.

Lecturer of the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) Dr. Ir. Erdefi Rakun, M.Sc., along with the research team from the Machine Learning & Computer Vision (MLCV) Lab, and the Information Retrieval – Natural Language Processing (IR-NLP) Lab have just released a text translation application into 3D animation for SIBI. The translation application is available on Playstore (Android OS) and App Store (iOS). The technology used to develop the translation application is image processing, animation creation, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and mobile application.
Main Information

Published works
Our published works range from core machine learning papers to the application of machine learning methods, specifically for but not limited to computer vision tasks.

Research Topic & Project
We mainly focus on developing machine learning methods specifically for, but not limited to, computer vision tasks that will positively impact society, especially in Indonesia. We have been working closely with various local (Indonesia) and international institutions.